3rd SFERA-III / 16th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium and Summer School 2022

Thanks to everyone that participated in the 3rd SFERA-III /16th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium and Summer School 2022 - it was a pleasure having you here!
The group photos of the event can be found here.
The program for the Doctoral Colloquium and Summer School can be downloaded Download here (PDF, 778 KB) (last updated: 12.09.2022).
Doctoral Colloquium: September 12-14, 2022 (restricted to SFERA-III members)
Summer School: September 15-16, 2022 (topic: "Solar Thermochemistry" - open to broad audience)
Doctoral Colloquium
The presentations and the book of abstracts can be downloaded here. The password to view the files has been shared only with participants of the Doctoral Colloquium.
Summer School
The topic of the summer school is "Solar Thermochemistry". A list of speakers and preliminary talk titles can be downloaded Download here (PDF, 163 KB). The slides of the non-confidental talks can be downloaded here.
Building HG
Room F3
ETH Zürich
CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland
The 3rd SFERA-III / 16th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium and Summer School will be held in Zürich. The charming educational hub of Switzerland is nestled between the wooded hills of Uetliberg and Zürichberg, and located at the waters of the Lake of Zürich and the river Limmat.